Starcastic Remarks - The Official Stars Podcast Of THPN
Jan. 11, 2023

Ryan's Major Takeaways (MTs) | Stars @ Islanders | Game 42 | January 10th, 2023

Ryan's Major Takeaways (MTs) | Stars @ Islanders | Game 42 | January 10th, 2023

I think it's pretty obvious to decide what the takeaway is out of this game. Let's discuss.


Oettinger Saved Our Bacon

Oettinger knows how much Stars' fans love their bacon.


In the first period, he singlehandedly kept this team in the game. Throughout the game, the Islanders were the better team especially with the multitudes of chances they had in the 1st and 2nd.


After mentioning his decline in play in a previous blog post, he has made me look ridiculously stupid! Let me just spit some facts for you here. Oettinger finishes the night stopping 27 of 28 shots with a .964 save percentage. In his last seven games, he is 6-1, and he has not had a game with a save percentage lower than .914 since the loss to the Edmonton Oilers on December 21st. It's absolutely ridiculous what this kid can do.


Nill Is An Absolute Genius

In that same general idea, the two biggest difference makers in tonight's game were the ones signed to new contracts by General Manager Jim Nill.


The fact he and the Stars' were able to sign up Oettinger and Robertson  for less than $12 million is pulchritudinous. These are two players who are going to be such important players for this team now, in the near future, and in the far future. The future is so bright for this team, and they're doing it without having to tank!


Variety Of Ways To Win

We've pointed this out on the pod several times since the beginning of the season, but it is noteworthy to bring this up again. Last season and even in seasons before, the Stars' would focus on defense, capitalize on the other team's defensive miscues, take a lead into the 2nd period, and "turtle" (as Stars' fans staring calling it) in the 3rd period heavily relying on their goaltending.


This year, we have seen the Stars destroy their opponents with their offensive abilities, stick around while their goaltender (Oettinger and Wedgewood both) saved their bacon, win with multi-goal games like we saw at the beginning of the season, and win one goal games which we've seen more recently. 


Final Thoughts

Good couple of rebound games after the terrible road trip in California. Plus I'm tired... Good morning to all Stars' family especially Otter and Robo!